Saturday 7 June 2014

YouTube Channels

So I've decided that I needed to start a YouTube channel - and I have!!

You can check them (yes I did say them!) at any of the below links...

Blue Car Digital Media (BCDM)
Orion's Multi-belt

Keep 'em Spinning will soon have it's own channel, but as I want it to be a superb cycling channel to challenge the likes of GCN et. al. then I need to work on the content before letting it loose on the world, so keep your eyes peeled either here or on our Twitter account (@keepemspinning) for future updates.

For the moment though, one of our sister channels has an increasing number of various dance music tracks available to get you through the days and nights, and to hopefully motivate you to train and race harder over the summer months.

The channels will be working together to get more content that suits all user, and hopefully will have some training videos by this winter to help motivation when stuck inside on the turbo...

If you've got any particular music genres that you think should be uploaded onto the BCDM channel, then why not drop them a comment on one of the videos, or put a comment at the bottom of this post.

Orion's Multi-belt is a random channel for the geeks (or wanna-be geeks) out there, with a number of space-related videos. Why not check them out?! I'm no space freak but they're interesting and you even get to see James Bond in episode one!

Keep 'em spinning!!


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