Tuesday 19 November 2013

The long weight...

"Light is right..."

That's the motto that one of the guys I ride with goes by, and funnily enough he's only just over 50kg and rides a bike that would be barely legal in a UCI event... All in all, I'm slightly jealous of the chap (he's the monkey by the way (see below))...

As I mentioned last week I'm over 6', and I currently weigh around 86.5kg so along with the targets of certain events over the next 12 months I'm also aiming for a reduced strain on the bathroom scales!

Weight is a hot topic of debate with anyone, as some people take things to the real extreme which is just plain unhealthy, but I think that if managed correctly then it's fine to take an interest in one weight. There are also plenty of debates about whether being lighter is an advantage (Cyclist magazine had an interesting article on whether larger people have an advantage going downhill) but a lot of the time I think that it is almost as powerful as a psychological weapon as a physical one.

So, onto my main targets for the next 12/13 months (up until Dec 2014):

  • Main ride target is the Tour of Wessex- I've signed up for this 3 day, 300+ mile event already so this'll be where the true training is aiming for!!
  • Another ride that I am certain I'll be going for is the White Horse Challenge, I rode this last year and what a brute it was for a first sportive! This year I'll be testing myself out for the Tour of Wessex and trying to set as good-a-time as possible instead of acting as dominestique for a KOM challenge!

  • Weight-wise I'm aiming to be down to around 80kg by the beginning of May, just in time for the main events of the season, and depending on how I get on to there I may even set another target for the end of the year!

As you can see, this week was a quiet one on the bike as I only managed to get out once. However I did make sure that this was a decent ride- popping over the 100km mark for a single ride for the first time in a couple of months!! I did try to get a couple of photos on the way round but never got any decent ones to pop on here. Don't ask about the bananas by the way (none of them were eaten by me by the way!) it was like riding with a monkey the amount that were being consumed/sticking out the back of the jersey! I'll be sure to get a good photo of that next time round!

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Keep 'em Spinning!


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