Wednesday 13 November 2013

New beginnings...

Here I go again....! I tried to write a cycling blog sometime in 2012, but somewhere along the way I got distracted and now that blog seems to have got lost out there in the expanse of the WWW!

I'm hoping that this blog will help to give me the extra motivation to keep on putting the kilometres in in all seasons and conditions, and hopefully it will inspire some of you guys to get out on your bikes as well and enjoy the beauty of being out in the great British countryside.

Before I continue, I'd just like to make it clear that I am not sponsored by anyone, nor in anyway am I being asked by anyone to endorse or promote their products or services. All opinions and reviews posted on here are my own and not those of the manufacturers/brands that I may use or write about.

Now, I'm 23, 6'2" and most definitely not the typical build of a road cyclist! My legs are more the size of those that you expected to see thundering around the pine boards of the velodrome in sprint matches rather than out on the asphalt of the open road.
I'm also an accountant, which means that I spend most of my working time sat at a desk on my computer or in meetings. I know that this is something that a lot of people suffer from (sitting at desks, not accounting!) so I'll be sure to add to the blog anything that I see of here that helps office prisoners such as ourselves to keep fit and flexible even when we are not out on the bike.

Food is another thing that I love, as most people I know will agree with- it's not often that you don't see me nibbling on something when I'm not working away (and to be fair even when I am working away!!). So of course I'm always on the lookout for little tips for the kitchen from the TV and magazines, and hope to share some great little recipes with you all whether pre-, post- or during your rides and training, or even just a tasty (and sometimes naughty) meal to enjoy at any time.

I also wouldn't be much of a cyclist if I didn't point out all the great cakes stops that I encounter when out and about on two wheels!

Finally, I'd just like to mention Strava if I may... I know that for some people Strava is now the bane of their lives - "Look how fast I just went on xyz segment" and "Oh no, abc just stole my KOM!!"
I have to admit that at times I can be one of those, but I also think that this website has certainly helped me keep me motivated over the past 12 months and contributed to my improvements on the bike! I'm planning on posting a quick summary on here every week to show what I've been up to on my bike, and if you want to see my activities on Strava as soon as I upload them then just click on the link below and 'follow' me!

Rob's Strava Profile

For now, keep 'em spinning!


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