Saturday 16 November 2013

Stay Safe!!

After the recent number of cycling fatalities on the news in the past couple of weeks, I thought that it might be nice to show a small tribute to those people on here. Although at the time of writing not all names have been released as to the deceased, we should remember all of them and remember to be safe out on the roads ourselves.

  • Eric Codling (Sheffield)
  • Venera Minakhmetova (London)
  • Roger William De Klerk (London
  • Francis Golding (London)
  • As yet not formally identified 62- year old male (London)
  • As yet not formally identified male in his 30s (London)
  • AS yet not formally identified male 63 - year old male (Bristol)

Have fun, stay safe, wear a helmet!

Keep 'em spinning!


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